1) Complete form and implant microchip
Only authorised implanters can implant microchips within NSW.
As an implanter you need to make sure you follow the strict guidelines concerning the implanting process, including pre-scanning to ensure there are no microchips already implanted in the animal and maintaining a safe and sterile working environment.
Make sure you complete a PERMANENT IDENTIFICATION FORM prior to implanting.
2) Recording of Owner Details
As the implanter you are required to record the details of the owner on the NSW pet registry operated by the DLG, the Department of Local Government.
There are 2 options:
i) ONLINE: Simply visit www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au and enter owner details via the website within 7 days of the implantation.
ii) MAIL: You can mail the original completed form to any local council. This must be done within 3 days of the implantation.
It is important to note that identification and registration are two separate steps. Generally, authorised identifiers will NOT be able to complete registration; ie. they will not be able to register animals under the Companion Animals Act 1998.
The function of authorised identifiers under the Act, Regulation and this guideline is solely to permanently identify animals and to enter the identification information associated with those animals onto the Register. Other functions such as searching the Register or changing details can only be carried out by councils or registration agents.
3) Pet Owner Must Register With Local Council
Make sure the pet owner receives a copy of the completed form and instruct the owner that they must proceed to their local council to register their pet. Pet owner must also fill out a lifetime registration form to give to council.
4) Council Completes Registration
The council will collect the appropriate fees for registration and complete the registration process.